Just musing

Stagflation, Biden wants all your money, President’s have immunity, Far-left behind protests and a Union cherry bomb

On today’s show we open with two back-to-back economics related stories. The first shows the first quarter GDP for 2024 only grew 1.6%, far lower than expected. We combine with Biden saying he plans to let the Trump tax cuts expire (a tax on all Americans), he wants to increase the Capital Gains tax to 45% (highest its been since 1922) and he wants to install an Unrealized Gains tax to go after wealth you have not yet received.

The Supreme Court of the United States is hearing the case over Presidential immunity. Of course president’s have to have immunity or our Republic would cease to function. But, to show you the stupidity of some, I bring you an exchange first between Justice Elena Kagan and attorney D. John Sauer who is arguing on behalf of Donald Trump. Then we bring you comments between Justice Alito and attorney Dreeben who is arguing Trump has no immunity. After listening to them both, I hope you walk away understanding all presidents, whether we love or hate them, have immunity while in office.

It looks like (big shocker) that the protests on these college campuses in favor of the terrorists and out to castigate and destroy Jews are backed by several Far-Left organizations, including those who supported the October 7 massacre in Israel. How did we get here, not just in terms of what’s happening on college grounds, but also the stat of our nation? Stephen Miller, former Senior Advisor to President Trump weighs in on that and sums in up in 90 seconds.

Maybe democrat voters are waking up to all of this lawfare, propaganda and nonsense. New York union leader Bobby Bartels said they may still call themselves Democrats, but in the last four years, the party has pushed them over to the other side. And, not only are you losing the unions in New York City, you are losing parts of the former “punk rock” movement. Cherie Currie, lead singer The Runaways, went off on the Democrat Party on X, ending with, “Voting Dem used to be cool. But now, it just makes you a FOOL.”

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