Current Events, Just musing

Harry Reid’s UFO Hobby – You Paid For It

A secret government UFO program run out of the Pentagon?! This is the kind of news that gets us X-files fans salivating that the truth isn’t quite so far out there but right here. And I couldn’t have timed the release of my latest novel, CHASING DISCLOSURE any better. What marketing! A Pentagon UFO research… Continue reading Harry Reid’s UFO Hobby – You Paid For It

Just musing

First there was Twitter and then came Spicer

When I wrote a few weeks back that I believe then President-elect Trump was intentionally using Twitter to take up all of the oxygen in the 24 hour news cycle, I had no idea others would also jump on that same thought-train. Even after pointing out this strategy, I knew the mainstream media and opponents… Continue reading First there was Twitter and then came Spicer

Constitution, Current Events, Federalism, Just musing

Straddling the Walls of Versailles

Henry the VIII, unhappy with the rules of the Catholic Church regarding divorce, simply usurped the commands of the Vatican, instituted the Church of England and called himself Supreme Head of the new agency. There, all better. No more threats of excommunication from Rome. When one in power doesn't get his way, he may change… Continue reading Straddling the Walls of Versailles