Biden's speech was dark
Current Events, Just musing

Biden’s campaign speech was dark, depressing, foreboding and angry

Well, folks, I called it on yesterday's show. President Joe Biden's campaign speech was dark, depressing, foreboding and angry. Whomever on his team thought dark red lighting against stark brick walls and harsh shadows and silhouettes was going to be positive and uplifting must have flunked out of film school. The optics were every bit… Continue reading Biden’s campaign speech was dark, depressing, foreboding and angry

Biden to vilify half of America
Current Events, Just musing

Biden’s address to vilify half of America in his darkest speech yet

Today I focus mostly on the concept of cognitive dissonance as it relates to our current political climate. Later tonight, President Joe Biden is going to address the nation in what will undoubtedly be his darkest and most divisive speech to-date. He did not walk back calling half of the electorate semi-fascists. The White House… Continue reading Biden’s address to vilify half of America in his darkest speech yet

Disinformation Governance Board
Current Events, Just musing

Disinformation Governance Board supported by spreaders of disinformation

In today's episode, I continue discussing the formation of the Disinformation Governance Board and the support it's getting from spreaders of disinformation. It's clear the newly named Director, Nina Jankowicz is the poster child for spreading many of the false news stories when they were first being parroted by most of the legacy media and… Continue reading Disinformation Governance Board supported by spreaders of disinformation

Bidenflation and ghost guns
Current Events, Just musing

Bidenflation and a make believe 2nd Amendment

In today's episode, we dive into two topics that have come from the White House in the last 24 hours: record inflation and make believe language for the 2nd Amendment. Both of these continue to illustrate how the current Administration is filled with children who happen to inhabit adult bodies. They still believe in magical… Continue reading Bidenflation and a make believe 2nd Amendment

Voting laws and the filibuster
Just musing

Voting laws and the filibuster

In this episode I comment on President Joe Biden's latest failed attempt to paint all Republicans as member of the Ku Klux Klan. Last week, the narrative was to try using the anniversary of the Capitol riot as a way to paint the whole GOP as violent, domestic terrorist insurrectionists. After a week, that attempt… Continue reading Voting laws and the filibuster

Current Events, Just musing

What’s wrong with the GOP?

Whenever a controversy erupts, why do democrats seem to always circle their wagons and protect each other, whereas republicans will immediately eat their own? Is it part of the loyalty pledge? What causes one party to act out of self-preservation while the other seems bent on self-destruction? The Democrat Party has long prided itself on its… Continue reading What’s wrong with the GOP?

Current Events, Just musing

Two sides of the same coin

Building on my most recent piece, I want to explore further the current climate within the electorate. Without a doubt, the last two (and soon to be three) election cycles for president are no longer about record. We are not interested in the most qualified, either. We don't care about experience or integrity. All we… Continue reading Two sides of the same coin

Current Events, Just musing

The Ivory Tower of Pisa — Welcome to PCU

The 2015-16 school year started a few months ago. It was my turn to spend a day offering my wisdom and experience in the day-to-day activities of the students. As I walked into the first classroom, I felt like I had been transformed into the role of Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie, Kindergarten Cop. Everywhere I turned, it… Continue reading The Ivory Tower of Pisa — Welcome to PCU

Capitalism, Constitution, Just musing

The difference between giving a fish and teaching to fish

A few years ago, my wife and I decided to try kayaking for the first time. We have always loved the water, but didn't know if a day on the river would compare to being at the beach. Comparing the two is like asking a parent which of their children is their favorites? Being at… Continue reading The difference between giving a fish and teaching to fish

Constitution, Federalism, Just musing

What freedom is not

Happy birthday, America! It's been 238 years since the Declaration of Independence put a series of events in motion that forever changed the face of the world and redefined how government could be structured around the concept that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights and chief… Continue reading What freedom is not

Capitalism, Federalism, Just musing

Our writers have been working on a special Independence Day publication

Our writers have had their noses to the political grindstone since the primary election season has been underway in our country. They have been on the campaign trail, speaking out daily on social media and trying to inspire others to get involved in the political process. We are not just about talking -- we are… Continue reading Our writers have been working on a special Independence Day publication

Constitution, Federalism

Will the real Messiah please stand up?

"Abolish God, and the Government becomes God...Wherever the people do not believe in something beyond the world, they will worship the world. But, above all, they will worship the strongest thing in the world." -- G.K. Chesterton "Well, you've touched on it to a degree. He made so many promises. We thought that he was… Continue reading Will the real Messiah please stand up?

Capitalism, Constitution, Current Events

We remind you: healthcare is not a right

With the problems surrounding both the launch of the website and all of the unintended consequences surrounding the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare), it is important to remember that healthcare, in and of itself is not a right. Just because we "want" something or feel we are "owed" something, does not make is… Continue reading We remind you: healthcare is not a right

Constitution, Federalism, Just musing

Healthcare is not a right

To delve into this topic, we first need to understand and agree upon the definition of "rights" as used and implemented by the Founding Fathers and the framers of our Constitution.  The first stop is the philosopher, John Locke, who put forth the theory of natural rights, which states everyone is born with an equality of certain rights,… Continue reading Healthcare is not a right